AI Consulting

A new style of leadership as the world embraces AI

As the world embraces technology and AI, we need a new style of collaborative and compassionate leadership. We know that AI teams succeed when they work in a flexible and innovative way.

Our consulting packages are custom, and tailored to each client. We start with a discovery phase, talking to stakeholders in your organisation to understand the landscape you work in and make initial recommendations. Once this phase is complete, we are able to scope out next steps in subsequent phases.


What do I get out of a discovery phase?

At first glance, a discovery phase may seem like a checkbox exercise. However, a discovery phase can bring an increased clarity about a problem, initial recommendations, and a focused space to bring together multiple views from across your organisation. In many cases, these may be sufficient to make a substantial step forwards.

How is consulting priced?

Consulting arrangements differ from place to place, and pricing too. Typically, I work with you to scope a project that is beneficial to you and within the budget you have in mind,

What kind of consulting projects do you work on?

We’ve worked on a range of projects, including

  • Technical reports for investors and the board

  • AI Prototypes

  • Roadmaps and strategy

  • Translation between business and tech functions

Sounds great, how can we get started?

Fantastic! Get in touch and we can schedule a time to talk over your requirements.